Prof. Ezio Bussoletti is one of the key actors of Italian Space Science and Governance. Graduated in Physics at Sapienza with honors, he continued his education in France, obtaining the Doctorate d’Etat in Space Physics with honors at the Université Paris-Diderot. He was Full Professor of Space Sciences and Technologies at the Parthenope University of Naples from 1987 to 2016.
Ezio Bussoletti, in addition to a dense international scientific activity, played a decisive role in the creation of the Italian Space Agency, until he was Vice President from 2009 to 2013. He represented Italy in International Organizations such as GMES-Copernicus and the UN GGIM Committee for the management of geospatial information; at the national level he participated in all the main governance committees of the sector. Since 2011 he has contributed to the drafting of the Government Guidelines on aerospace matters, continuing from 2018 to 2023 as Space Advisor first at MIT and then at MASE. He conceived and, today directs the first Italian Master in Space Economy at the Luiss Business School, now in its second edition.